

I have much to write about this weekend, as it truly was a blessing, on many ways.
However, I’m using  my dad’s computer at the moment, as my Mac died last night, and is at the Apple repair in Knoxville…. My online time will be limited to a quick look at email and facebook, on my phone, which is a pain. If  you need to contact me, txt is best.
God’s in control tho, and he’s already shown me that this week I’m to be focused on my first calling, and some reading assignments attached to it – that of being mother  to and parenting my boys.  So, I’ll be focused on that this week. Thank you for your prayers!! (given this, i will likely not be on the phone a lot this week either…)

Aslan is on the move!!!

About Beloved of YHWH

I am the “Head of Domestic Affairs” here at Blackberry Chateau. What that means is, I’m a wife of a wonderful man, mom of two teens, small business owner, gardener, homemaker, blogger, planner, mediator, family nurse, and so much more. I’m a follower of Yeshua, and my faith is an integral part of my life. Part of how He created me to reflect Him is to be a teller of the Story. I share my story (on the blog Shakam Boqer) not as an exhibitionist, not for the attention it might receive, not for accolades or recognition, but, for His Glory – so that others, as they read, as they see how YHVH has led and loved me over the course of time, can be edified, lifted up, encouraged to Look to HIM, to Trust Him, to pursue Holy Wholeness with every fiber of their beings. My blog, Rapha Tachaluw is a conglomeration of all the things I’ve personally found to be helpful during the SARS-Covid 19 Pandemic. I worked healthcare in a nursing home setting from pre-pandemic till August 2021. I took my responsibility to my resident’s wellbeing very seriously, and learned all I could, early on about how best to protect them. I also had the disease in August 2020 and again the in August 2021 (Delta). Most of what I’ve collected here has either been of help to me, to family, or others I personally know.

One response »

  1. Was going to call to see if you had arrived safe, and knowing your computer was down, etc. But glad you are in tune with priorities. Love you!


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